Problem 13: I'm experiencing different compatibility problems with Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices and/or controllers. General USB support: 'Out-of-box' Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 support a lot of USB 1.x and 2.0 devices/controllers. MSKB: Universal Serial Bus 2.0 Support in Windows 2000 (Q319973). Usb Driver For Windows 2000 free download - Windows 10, SimCity 2000 Windows 95 demo, VIA USB 2.0 Host Controller Driver, and many more programs.

Windows 2000 Usb Driver Win 7
Windows will prompt you to install the driver for the MasterBlaster™ USB cable the first time the MasterBlaster programmer is plugged in.
Quartus II—Driver Installation
Windows 2000 Generic Usb Driver
When you plug in the MasterBlaster USB cable, Windows 2000 will automatically recognize it and prompt you for the location of the driver.

- Browse to the <Path to Quartus® II software>drivers directory.
- Select the mblaster.inf file and click OK.
- Set up programming hardware in the Quartus II software to complete your installation.
MAX+PLUS II 10.1 & Later—Driver Installation
When you plug in the MasterBlaster USB cable, Windows 2000 will automatically recognize it and prompt you for the location of the driver.
- Browse to the <Path to MAX+PLUS® II software>Driversi386 directory.
- Select the mblaster.inf file and click OK.
- Set up programming hardware in the MAX+PLUS II software to complete your installation.
Windows 2000 Usb Driver
MAX+PLUS II software version 10.0 and earlier does not support the MasterBlaster USB interface. To download MAX+PLUS II Software Updates, go to the MAX+PLUS II Software Updates web page.
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