Hamza Andreas Tzortzisall Islamic Content In One Place

Unlike animals, we cannot be content by simply living and reacting to our instincts. Obeying our hormones and mere physical needs will not bring happiness. To highlight this, reflect on another example. Imagine you were one of fifty human beings locked in a small room with no means of exit. If you want to know how the Islamic intellectual and spiritual tradition answers these questions then this is the book for you.Hamza Andreas Tzortzis’s new book presents a much needed comprehensive account of Islamic theism that draws upon Western and Islamic thought. Hamza Tzortzis is an international speaker, writer and instructor. Join him on an existential, spiritual and rational journey that articulates powerful arguments for the existence of God, the Qur'an, the Prophethood of Muhammad and why we must know, l. In The Divine Reality, Hamza Andreas Tzortzis provides a compelling case for the rational and spiritual foundations of Islam, whilst intelligently and compassionately deconstructing atheism.

We are in the midst of a global pandemic. COVID-19 is in almost every country of the world. People are many times more likely to die once infected with the disease than if they were infected with the flu. Fear and anxiety have dominated our day-to-day lives. Countries are on lockdown; schools are closed, and social lives are dismantled. Many will inevitably lose their loved ones. Many will die before they can say goodbye.

Hamza Andreas Tzortzisall Islamic Content In One Places

Many of us have shown great compassion and unity, irrespective of our differences. This is why I believe that, even in these unprecedented times, COVID-19 can be the means for an intellectual and spiritual awakening. What follows are some key points for us to consider.[1]

[1] Many of these points have been taken and adapted from the book by Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, The Divine Reality: God, Islam and The Mirage of Atheism. New Revised Edition (2019). Lion Rock Publishing.

We are Dependent on God

“O humanity! It is you who stand in need of God, but God alone is the Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.” The Qur’an, Chapter 35, Verse 15

If we do not acknowledge our own reality we will not be aware of the insights and truths that this pandemic can give us. COVID-19 has made us realise that we are not self-sufficient. We are limited and needy. Our very existence and our ability to function is dependent on almost an infinite number of things; things that we cannot control and have no power over. This should make us mindful that we cannot sustain ourselves; when we were born we couldn’t feed, clothe or clean ourselves, we were dependent on our parents. We also need a public health system, hospitals, doctors, nurses, farms, farmers, animals, plants, family, parents, friends, an economic system, banks, an ideal environment, oxygen, water, food, buildings, construction companies, builders, and much more. The list is endless.

All of these things are ultimately dependent on God. Since God created us and all of the things mentioned above, our very existence is solely dependent on Him. We are not self-sufficient, even if some of us are deluded in thinking that we are.

“Indeed, man transgresses, because he sees himself as self-sufficient.” The Qur’an, Chapter 96, Verses 6 and 7

The whole world has been turned upside down over a single strand of RNA. This small virus, which we cannot see with the naked eye, has affected nearly every country in the world. There is currently no cure. Economies are on the verge of collapse and health systems are overwhelmed. People are fearful and anxious. Populations have been asked to stay at home. No amount of money and power in the world can reverse what has happened. This should teach us an important lesson, especially for those who are arrogant: we must be humble.

“We have already sent [messengers] to nations before you; then We seized them with suffering and adversity that perhaps they may humble themselves [to Us].” The Qur’an, Chapter 6, Verse 42

“And give good news O Prophet to the humble.” The Qur’an, Chapter 22, Verse 34

One of the biggest barriers to Divine guidance and mercy is the delusion of self-sufficiency, which is ultimately based on ego and arrogance. The Qur’an makes this point clear:

“There is the one who is miserly, and is self-satisfied, who denies goodness—We shall smooth his way towards hardship and his wealth will not help him as he falls. Our part is to provide guidance.” The Qur’an, Chapter 92, Verses 8 to 12

COVID-19 and God’s Signs

Many of us have never directly observed a virus. Even though it is visible with a microscope, many of us rely on scientific textbooks and images, and what the experts tell us. However, we do observe and feel the effects of the virus. This is enough for anyone to conclude the virus exists. Applying this to God, not only do we have an innate awareness of His existence, we can observe and feel the effects of His reality.

We live in this amazing universe. We hope, love, seek justice and believe in the ultimate value of human life. We reason, infer, deduce, and discover. We live in a vast universe with billions of stars, galaxies and planets. The universe contains sentient beings that can have a unique stream of consciousness. The universe has laws and displays a precise arrangement that, if different, would have prevented conscious, sentient life. We live on a planet with over 6,000 languages and over eight million species. We feel—deep down inside—the wrongness of evil, and the rightness of good.

These are all signs for God’s existence and greatness.[2]

“Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth; the alternation of the day and night; the ships that sail the sea for the benefit of humanity; the rain sent down by God from the skies, reviving the earth after its death; the scattering of all kinds of creatures throughout; the shifting of the winds; and the clouds drifting between the heavens and the earth—in all of this are surely signs for people of understanding.”The Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verses 164

[2] For arguments for the existence of God and why belief in Him is innate and natural please access the author’s website. Available at: https://www.hamzatzortzis.com. For the Qur’anic argument for God’s existence click here and or the argument from dependency (contingency) click here.

Death and Questioning Our Lives

COVID-19 has been and will be responsible for many deaths. We have seen the global death toll increase at an alarming rate day by day. This has evoked fear and anxiety. But it has also created a window of opportunity for us to reflect on the nature of our existence, and ponder over death and life.

Human beings do not enjoy thinking about death. It creates the realisation within us that all of the attachments we have built in this world will cease to be. Significantly, it awakens us to the brutal fact that we will no longer exist on this planet. We have to face the reality of an inevitable personal apocalypse. There is a profound benefit in reflecting on death. Pondering our finite nature helps diminish our egos and our selfish desires no longer seem that important. Our ephemeral attachments to the material world are put into perspective and our lives are questioned—all of which offer great benefit. Contemplating death provokes thought and gives us a window of opportunity to reflect on the nature of our existence.

“Every soul will taste death. And you will receive full reward on the Day of Judgment. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and is admitted into Paradise will triumph. For this life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment.” The Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 185

In viewing life through the lens of death, we can enter an emotional and intellectual space where we can assess our situation on this planet. How did we come to be? What should we be doing here? Where are we going? Death can be the driving force behind these critical questions, because the moment we recognise that this life is short, that one day we will breathe our last, it puts everything into perspective.

We are purpose-driven creatures. From brushing our teeth to buying a car, we do these things for a particular purpose, yet some of us do not believe we have a purpose for our own existence. Rejecting the fact that our lives have an ultimate purpose is absurd and counter-intuitive. Having an ultimate purpose for our lives implies that there is a reason for our existence—in other words, some kind of intention and objective. Without an ultimate purpose we have no reason to exist, and we lack a profound meaning for our lives. Denying purpose for the basis of our existence while attributing a made-up purpose to our lives is, by definition, self-delusion. It is no different than saying, “Let’s pretend to have purpose.” This is no different from children who pretend to be doctors and nurses, cowboys and Indians, or mothers and fathers. However, we must all grow up and face the truth that life is not just a game.

Islam’s view on the purpose of our lives is intuitive and empowering. It elevates our existence from products of matter and time to conscious beings who choose to have a relationship with and worship the One who created us.

“Our Lord! You have not created all of this without purpose.” The Qur’an, Chapter 3, Verse 191

So what is our purpose?

COVID-19 has made us think of, and want to preserve, the things we need, love and revere. People have been calling and checking in on loved ones, others have hoarded food, many have ignored public health guidance just to enjoy another drink, and a good portion of us have been ensuring we have what we need to sustain ourselves and our loved ones. Many of these things are the things we worship.

Even people who do not believe in God, including those who reject the fact that He is entitled to worship, manifest signs of adoration, reverence and devotion for things. If you do not worship God, you’ll still end up worshipping something. The object that you love and revere the most, including whatever you attribute ultimate power to and believe you are ultimately dependent on, is essentially your object of worship.

“And [yet], among the people are those who take other than God as equals [to Him]. They love them as they [should] love God. But those who believe are stronger in love for God.” The Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 165

For many people, this can include an ideology, a leader, a family member, and even their own selves. Polytheism and idolatry is not just about praying to or physically bowing down in front of an object.

“Have you not seen the one who takes his God as his own desire?” The Qur’an, Chapter 45, Verse 23

Even those who call themselves atheists worship someone or something, perhaps unknowingly. This something could very well be one’s own desire. When we reject God’s message and refuse to change ourselves, be it because of arrogance of love of this material world, we have let our own desire get the better of us. We have become slaves of our desires.

“God sets forth the parable of a slave owned by several quarrelsome masters, and a slave owned by only one master. Are they equal in condition? Praise be to God! In fact, most of them do not know.” The Qur’an, Chapter 39, Verse 29

God is essentially telling us that if we do not worship God, we end up worshipping something else. These things enslave us and they become our masters. The Qur’anic analogy is teaching us that without God, we have many ‘masters’ and they all want something from us. They are all ‘at odds with each other’, and we end up in a state of misery, confusion and unhappiness. However, God, who knows everything, including our own selves, and who has more mercy than anyone else, is telling us that He is our master, and that only by worshipping Him alone will we truly free ourselves from the shackles of the things we have taken as replacements for Him.

Just like our need to eat, drink and breathe, worship is an innate tendency. From this perspective, we are natural-born worshippers, because that is who we are and it is our Divinely given purpose. We are worshippers by definition, because God defined and made us that way.

“I did not create the Jinn [spirit world] and humans except to worship Me.” The Qur’an, Chapter 51, Verse 56

God is rooted in our innermost nature, and when God commands us to worship Him it is actually a mercy and act of love. It is as if every human being has a hole in his or her heart. This hole is not physical, it is spiritual, and it needs to be filled to achieve spiritual tranquillity. We attempt to fill this hole with a new job, a holiday, a new house, a new car, a hobby, travel or taking up a popular self-help course. However, every time we fill our hearts with these things, a new hole appears. We are never truly satisfied, and after a while, we seek something else to fill the spiritual void. Yet, once we fill our hearts with the love of God, the hole remains permanently closed. Thus, we feel at peace and experience a tranquillity that can never be put into words, and a serenity that is undisturbed by calamity.

So why is God worthy of our worship? Below are two of many answers[3]:

God is worthy of worship by virtue of who He is

The best place to start is to understand who God is. God, by definition, is the One who is entitled to our worship; it is a necessary fact of His own existence. The Qur’an repeatedly highlights this fact about God,

“It is truly I. I am God! There is no God worthy of worship except Me. So worship Me alone, and establish prayer for My remembrance.” The Qur’an, Chapter, 20, Verse 14

God is a maximally perfect Being. He possesses all the perfect names and attributes to the highest degree possible. For example, in Islamic theology, God is described as the The-Loving, and this means that His love is the most perfect and greatest love possible. It is because of these names and attributes that God must be worshipped. We always praise people for their abilities, kindness, knowledge and wisdom. However, God’s power, kindness, knowledge and wisdom are to the highest degree possible with no deficiency or flaw. Therefore, He is worthy of the most extensive form of praise, and praising God is a form of worship. In this light, God is worthy of worship by virtue of who He is.

God is also the only One entitled to our supplications and prayers. He knows best what is good for us, and He wants what is good for us. Such a Being with these attributes must be prayed to, and be asked assistance of. God is worthy of our worship because there is something about God that makes Him so. He is the Being with the most perfect names and attributes.

An important point regarding worshipping God is that it is His right, even if we are not recipients of any type of comfort. If we were to live a life full of suffering[4], God must still be worshipped. Worshipping God is not dependent on some kind of reciprocal relationship; He gives us life, and we worship Him in return. God showers us with many blessings; however, He is worshipped because of who He is and not necessarily how He decides—via His boundless wisdom—to distribute His bounty. Since God is the only Being whose right is our worship, then all of our acts of worship should be directed to Him alone.

We praise people due to their sporting skill, eloquence, strength or any other attribute. We do so even though they do not benefit us in any direct way. Similarly, God deserves extensive praise by virtue of His perfect names and attributes, and not as a result of how He decided to manifest them in our lives. If we can praise people who have limited and flawed attributes, what does it mean on how we must praise God whose names and attributes have no deficiency or flaw?

“All praise and gratitude is for God—Lord of everything that exists.” The Qur’an, Chapter 1, Verse 1

God has created and also sustains everything

“He is the One who created everything in the Earth for you.” The Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 29

There is something in your life that you receive freely, yet you do not earn it and do not own it. There is no good reason to believe that you deserve it either. This thing is this moment, and the next moment, and all of the moments of your existence. You do not earn these moments, so what can you possibly do to earn another instant in your life? This is exactly why in popular culture we call it a gift: the gift of life. If you knew that you had 10 hours left to live and in order to live another 3 days you had to give away all of your wealth, you would immediately do so. That’s why we all consider it to be so precious. You do not own these moments because you do not have the capacity to bring anything into existence; you cannot even create a fly. You do not deserve another moment of your existence because it is not yours; you do not have the ability to produce life, even for a second. Therefore, nothing that you do can be deserving of something that you can never acquire by yourself.

In light of these basic truths, you must always be in a state of gratitude, because you always receive something that you neither earn, nor own, nor deserve. These moments of our existence are from God alone, therefore we must be thankful to God, and acknowledge that all gratitude belongs to Him alone. Gratitude is a key aspect of worship.

This pandemic should be a reminder of all the blessings we should be grateful for but we take for granted. Everything we use in our daily lives, and all of the essential things that we require to survive, are due to God. It follows then that His is all gratitude. Since God created everything that exists, He is the owner and master of everything, including us and the things that matter to us. Hence, we must be in a sense of awe and gratitude to Him. Since God is our Master, we must be His servants. To deny this is not only rejecting reality, but it is the height of ingratitude, arrogance and thanklessness.

“O humanity! Remember God’s favours upon you. Is there any creator other than God who provides for you from the heaven and the Earth? There is no God worthy of worship except Him. How can you then be deluded from the truth?” The Qur’an, Chapter 35, Verse 3

[3] For more on this topic please read 7 Reasons Why God is Worthy of Worship written by the author; and Why Does God Ask People to Worship published by Yaqeen Institute.

[4] For responses to the problem of evil and suffering please read The Divine Wisdom in Allowing Evil to Exist: Perspectives from Ibn Al-Qayyim and Why Do People Suffer? God’s Existence and the Problem of Evil published by Yaqeen Institute; and Is God Merciful? Islam’s Response to Evil and Suffering written by the author.

Stop the Corruption and Injustice

This pandemic is not a random accident. Our individual and collective actions are responsible for what happens on our planet. This should make us reflect over what we have done, and not done, that may have caused this pandemic. Given our dependency on God and our interconnectedness to other things, including our environment and other people, we should realise that it is our corruption and injustice that has contributed to this pandemic.

“Corruption has spread on land and sea as a result of what people’s hands have done, so that God may cause them to taste the consequences of some of their deeds and perhaps they might return to the right path.” The Qur’an, Chapter 30, Verse 41

The condition of our planet is such that it is on the verge of being destroyed; the staggering levels of pollution are corrupting and destabilising our home. Injustice and war abound. Millions of our fellow human beings have become refugees, millions have been killed during ongoing conflicts, and millions do not have enough to eat to survive. We are collectively responsible for not doing enough to stop evil, and many of us are directly responsible for causing it. We need to take responsibility and understand that this pandemic is a signal, a divine sign, to stop the injustice and corruption on the earth.

“And when he turns away [from you], he hastens about the land to do corruption therein, and to destroy crops and cattle; and God loves not corruption.” The Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 205

We must realise that we are vicegerents of the earth. This means that we are responsible to maintain the balance, ensure order and not be wasteful. Unjust wars must stop, the murder of innocent people must cease, unfair economic policies must be scrapped, the ill-treatment of animals must come to an end, wastefulness and greed must be eradicated.

“He is the One Who has placed you as vicegerents on earth.”The Qur’an, Chapter 6, Verse 165

“Do not spread corruption in the land after it has been set in order.”The Qur’an, Chapter 7, Verse 56

“Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely He does not like the wasteful.” The Qur’an, Chapter 7, Verse 31

“And He has raised the heavens and has set a balance, that you may not upset the balance.”The Qur’an, Chapter 55, Verses 7 and 8

We are confronted with some choices. To follow God’s guidance which will reset the balance and order, or to continue with the corruption.

“Indeed, God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”The Qur’an, Chapter 13, Verse 11

Trust the Experts, Trust the Prophet

This global pandemic has kept us glued to our screens waiting for the next update and guidance from the experts; the virologists, epidemiologists and other people of authority. We trust what they have to say, and follow their instructions. However, many of us, the majority in fact, have no way of assessing the truth of their statements. We do not have the academic background nor the expertise. Given our limitations as human beings, we simply cannot know everything. Relying on other people’s testimony is an inevitable and essential part of living.[5]

Since we can trust some people’s testimony, what about the testimony of a man who is even more trustworthy? It would make sense to trust someone more trustworthy than the people we currently trust.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺclaimed prophethood over 1,400 years ago with the following simple, yet profound message: There is none worthy of worship but God, and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺis the final messenger of God.


To test the truth of his message and claim to prophethood, we can only see three main possibilities about his claim[6]:

  • He was a liar
  • He was deluded
  • He was speaking the truth

Was he a liar?

A brief dip into the rigorously-recorded history of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺlife reveals considerable information showing us the integrity of his character. He was not a liar and to assert as much is indefensible. The reasons for this abound—for instance, he was known even by the enemies of his message as the “Trustworthy”.

The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺmessage undermined the economic and power structures of society. 7thcentury Meccan society was based on trade and commerce. The leaders of Meccan society would attract these traders with the 360 idols they had in the Ka’bah—the cube-shaped structure built by Abraham as a house of worship. The Prophet’s ﷺmessage was simple, yet it powerfully challenged and criticised 7thcentury Arabian polytheism. Why would he do this if he was a liar? People who lie do so to either avoid some pain or gain some benefit. How do the actions of Muhammad fit that? The pagans actually took their religion very seriously, since they connected it to their ancestors and were proud to follow them. Yet, Muhammad told them that they and their ancestors (including his own) were misguided and ignorant.

The leaders of that society initially mocked him, thinking the Prophet ﷺwould not have an impact. However, as his message was gradually taking root with high-profile conversions, the leadership started to abuse the Prophet ﷺ, both physically and psychologically. Proof of the Prophet’s ﷺreliability and credibility is substantiated by the fact that a liar usually lies for some worldly gain. However, he was persecuted for his beliefs, boycotted and exiled from his beloved city—Mecca. He was starved of food and stoned by children to the point where blood drenched his legs. His wife passed away and his beloved companions were tortured and persecuted. Muhammad ﷺsuffered tremendously for his message and rejected outright the riches and power he was offered to stop promulgating his message. He was uncompromising in his call to God’s oneness and worship. Rather than desiring worldly increase during his lifetime or self-worship in the future, Muhammad ﷺhad nothing to gain from staying firm on his message – something which he had to suffer greatly for.

Was he deluded?

“Your fellow man is neither misguided nor astray; nor does he speak of his own whims.” The Qur’an, Chapter 53, Verses 2 and 3

To claim that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺwas deluded is to argue that he was misled to believe that he was the messenger of God. If someone is deluded, they have a strong conviction in a belief despite any evidence to the contrary. Another way of looking at the issue of delusion is that when someone is deluded, they speak falsehood whilst believing it to be true. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺhad many experiences during his life that, if he were deluded, he would have used as evidence to support his delusion. One example is the passing away of his son, Ibrahim. The boy died at an early age and the day he died there was a solar eclipse. Many Arabs thought that God made the eclipse happen because His prophet’s son passed away. If the Prophet ﷺwere deluded, he would have used such an opportunity to reinforce his claim. However, he did not and rejected the people’s assertions. The Prophet ﷺreplied to them in the following way: “The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death of someone from the people but they are two signs amongst the signs of God. When you see them, stand up and pray.”[7]

The Prophet Muhammad’sﷺmessage began and continued with a clear and open call to single out for worship the One Creator alone, and he also drew people’s attention to their own illogical position in worshipping the idols they created with their very own hands, which could neither help nor harm them. The fact that Muhammad was able to affect such massive and long-lasting change to very deep-seated practices amongst his people shows that claims of him being delusional or mad are very hard to sustain.

In fact, Islam continues until today to massively improve and affect people’s lives. Interestingly, even non-Muslim historians consider Muhammad to be one of the most influential people of all time. This is because the impact of his teachings is not limited only to a personal spiritual sphere, but can be applied to a broad spectrum of human existence, including economics, family life, legal systems, dietary rules and hygiene.

How and from where did an illiterate man living in the desert get such knowledge and insight? In fact, one might go as far as to say that if Muhammad’s ﷺteachings were a product of delusion, on what basis could we call anyone sane? Take for example, how he managed to successfully affect a total ban on alcohol. This is a truly formidable task. The Arabs of the time were heavy drinkers and even wrote epic poems in praise of wine.

All of this begs the question: from where did Muhammad get such deep and profound insight, wisdom and understanding of human nature? How was he able to bring about such long-lasting and profound changes to not only his people but indeed the world? One final possibility remains. It is the only one that really can explain the extraordinary phenomenon that was the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

He was speaking the truth

“Muhammad is the messenger of God.” The Qur’an, Chapter 48, Verse 29

If he really was a Messenger of God who received inspiration and guidance from the Creator, that explains both his complete honesty, truthfulness and uncompromising dedication to conveying the message of monotheism, as well as his deep insight into human nature and the ability to positively guide and direct his people, and indeed people from all races and cultures until today. It explains the depth of social, psychological, theological, legal, historical and epistemological insights within his teachings.

Considering what has been discussed so far, the most reasonable conclusion is that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺwas speaking the truth. To reject his message, would be logically equivalent to rejecting the message of experts that we’ve been listening to attentively during this pandemic.

[5] For a more on the epistemology of testimony please read McMyler, B. (2011). Testimony, Truth and Authority. New York: Oxford University Press; Coady, C. A. (1992). Testimony: A Philosophical Study. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Fricker, E. (2006). Testimony and Epistemic Autonomy. In: Jennifer Lackey, J and Sosa, E, ed, The Epistemology of Testimony. Oxford: Oxford University Press; Lehrer, K. (2006). Testimony and Trustworthiness. In: Jennifer Lackey, J and Sosa, E, ed, The Epistemology of Testimony. For a summary available online please read the relevant sections of God’s Testimony: The Divine Authorship of the Qur’an written by the author.

[6] For more on this argument, including responses to popular and academic objections, please read and access Proof of Prophethood Series published by Yaqeen Institute; and The Prophetic Truth: Why Muhammad ﷺi s God’s Final Messenger written by the author.

[7]This is an authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as narrated by Al-Bukhari. For more on sayings attributed to the Prophet (also referred to as hadith; ahadith, pl.) please read Brown, Jonathan. (2017) Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World. Second Edition. Oneworld Publications.

COVID-19 Can Lead you to Paradise

God created us to worship Him, and part of worshipping Him is to be tested, and trials like this global pandemic are part of this test. Passing the test, by responding in a way that is pleasing to God, facilitates our permanent abode of eternal bliss in Paradise. The Qur’an explains that God created death and life:

“He is the One Who created life and death in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving.” The Qur’an, Chapter 67, Verse 2

The world is an arena of trials and tribulations to test our conduct and for us to cultivate virtue. For example, how can we cultivate patience if we do not experience things that test our patience? How can we become courageous if there are no dangers to be confronted? How can we be compassionate if no one is in need of it? Life being a test answers these questions. We need them to ensure our moral and spiritual growth. We are not here to party; that is the purpose of paradise. During these difficult times we must be patient and courageous and show compassion for those infected with the virus by helping them in any way we can.

So why is life a test? Since God is perfectly good, He wants every single one of us to believe and as a result to experience eternal bliss with Him in paradise. God makes it clear that He prefers belief for us all:

“… nor does He approve of disbelief from His servants.”The Qur’an, Chapter 39, Verse 7

This clearly shows that God does not want anyone to go to hell. However, if He were to enforce that and send everyone to paradise, then a gross violation of justice would take place; God would be treating Moses and the Pharaoh and Hitler and Jesus as the same. A mechanism is needed to ensure that people who enter paradise do so based on merit. This explains why life is a test. Life is just a mechanism to see who among us are truly deserving of eternal happiness. As such, life is filled with obstacles, which act as tests of our conduct.

Islam is empowering. It sees suffering, evil, harm, pain and problems as a test. The empowering Islamic view is that tests are seen as signs of God’s love. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺsaid, “When God loves a servant, He tests him.”[8] The reason God tests those whom He loves is because tests are a pathway to Paradise—and being admitted to paradise is a result of divine love and mercy. God points this out clearly in the Qur’an:

“Do you think you will be admitted into Paradise without being tested like those before you? They were afflicted with suffering and adversity and were so severely shaken that even the Messenger and the believers with him cried out. ‘When will God’s help come?’ Indeed, God’s help is always near.”The Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 214

The beauty of Islam is that God, who knows us better than we know ourselves, has already empowered us and tells us that we have what it takes to overcome these trials:

“God does not require of any soul more than it can afford.”The Qur’an, Chapter 2, Verse 286

However, if we cannot overcome these trials after having tried our best, God’s mercy and justice will ensure that we are recompensed in some way, either in this life or the eternal life that awaits us.

This particular test of COVID-19 can help achieve Paradise, if a believer, after having been patient and relied upon God, hoped for His reward and understood that nothing occurs in absence of God’s decree, will get the reward of a martyr. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺconcerning plagues said:

“It is a punishment that God sends upon whoever he wills, but God has made it a mercy for the believers. Any servant who resides in a land afflicted by plague, remaining patient and hoping for reward from God, knowing that nothing will befall him but what God has decreed, he will be given the reward of a martyr.”[9]

[8] An authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as narrated by Tirmidhi.

[9] An authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as narrated by Al-Bukhari. (Some points to note concerning this statement of the Prophet ﷺ: i. There is a debate amongst scholars if this applies to the current pandemic. ii. The concept of martyrdom in Islam has nothing to do with suicide bombing or terrorism. Islam teaches that terrorism and suicide bombings are a great evil and must be condemned).

Conclusion: A Viral Awakening

“We will certainly make them taste some of the minor torment in this life before the major torment of the Hereafter, so perhaps they will return to the Right Path. And who does more wrong than the one who is reminded of God’s revelations then turns away from them?” The Qur’an, Chapter 32, Verses 21 and 22

This global pandemic should create a viral awakening. It is time to return to the path of God. We must be humble, accept God’s signs and realise we are ultimately dependent on Him. This trial that we are facing should make us aware of the impermanence of life and that our purpose is to worship God. If we trust the experts guiding us during this pandemic we should trust and accept God’s messenger. This God-given test can be a sign of either divine love or our own arrogance. If we are patient, hoping for God’s reward, act compassionately and do the right thing we will pass the test and be eligible for Paradise—a place that if the person who suffered the most on earth would be dipped for a moment, he would exclaim, as the Prophet ﷺinformed us, “I have never suffered!”[10]

The choice for us is to accept the fact that God is the only deity worthy of worship and that Prophet Muhammad ﷺis His final messenger, pass the test and be eligible for eternal bliss, or reject the truth and by virtue of that go to Hell—because we have chosen to reject God’s guidance and mercy. Now is the time to believe and be mindful of Him:

“And whoever is mindful of God, He will make a way out for him, and provide for them from sources they could never imagine.” The Qur’an, Chapter 65, Verses 2 and 3

May God guide, protect and have mercy on you all.

[10] An authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, as narrated by Muslim.

Last updated 25 April 2020.

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Since the group known as ISIS or ‘Islamic State’ (IS) declared the re-establishment of the Caliphate on 29 June 2014, the world’s media has reported on numerous atrocities carried out by the group. Hence, I felt it was necessary to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims on true Islamic values, to prevent the public from conflating Islam with the extreme acts. [1] Furthermore, it is imperative that Muslims who are qualified on matters pertaining to Islamic law and Islamic history, exhaust their efforts on educating people of all faiths and none on what Islamic values are.

Islamic values in practice

Islamic values are fundamentally based on justice and compassion. These are expressed through a sincere belief in the existence of one God and by seeking to act in a way that is pleasing to Him. By singling Him out for worship and being conscious of one’s accountability, a Muslim is encouraged to act with justice and compassion. The Qur’an clearly states in this regard:

“O you who believe, be steadfast in your devotion to God and bear witness impartially: do not let the hatred of others lead you away from justice, but adhere to justice, for that is closer to being God conscious. Be mindful of God: God is well acquainted with all that you do.”[2]

“O you who believe, uphold justice and bear witness to God, even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or your close relatives. Whether the person is rich or poor, God can best take care of both. Refrain from following your own desire, so that you can act justly – if you distort or neglect justice, God is fully aware of what you do.”[3]

Mass murder, ethnic cleansing, sectarianism, intolerance, killing journalists, kidnapping and other evils are the very opposite of the compassionate and merciful behaviour that is the hallmark of a true Islamic state. As the Qur’an states:

“What will explain to you what the steep path is? It is to free a slave, to feed at a time of hunger an orphaned relative or a poor person in distress, and to be one of those who believe and urge one another to steadfastness and compassion.”[4]

In this article I will use examples in Islamic history to show the manifestation of these values. However, it must be noted that this is not an attempt to glorify Islamic history. Although there is a lot to learn and be proud of, there have been many instances where Islamic values were ignored and abused.

Minorities under Islamic values

In the past, when these values were practiced and internalised, the Muslims who had political authority created a society that was unmatched in history. Consider the treatment of minorities such as the Jews and the Christians. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the treaty of Medina said:

“It is incumbent on all the Muslims to help and extend sympathetic treatment to the Jews who have entered into an agreement with us. Neither an oppression of any type should be perpetrated on them nor their enemy be helped against them.”[5]

The popular historian Karen Armstrong points out how these values established an unprecedented coexistence:

“The Muslims had established a system that enabled Jews, Christians, and Muslims to live in Jerusalem together for the first time.”[6]

The Jewish academic Historian Amnon Cohen illustrates the practical application of Islamic values, and how the Jews of Ottoman Jerusalem were free and contributed to society:

“No one interfered with their internal organisation or their external cultural and economic activities…The Jews of Ottoman Jerusalem enjoyed religious and administrative autonomy within an Islamic state, and as a constructive, dynamic element of the local economy and society they could – and actually did – contribute to its functioning.”[7]

‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab, the companion of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the second Caliph of Islam, granted the Christians of Palestine religious freedom, security and peace. His treaty with the Palestinian Christians stated:

“This is the protection which the servant of God… grants to the people of Palestine. Thus, protection is for their lives, property, church, cross, for the healthy and sick and for all their co-religionists. In this way that their churches shall not be turned into dwelling houses, nor will they be pulled down, nor any injury will be done to them or to their enclosures, nor to their cross, and nor will anything be deducted from their wealth. No restrictions shall be made regarding their religious ceremonies.” [8]

In 869 CE, patriarch Theodosius of Jerusalem confirmed the Muslims’ adherence to the treaty of Umar:

“The Saracens [i.e. the Muslims] show us great goodwill. They allow us to build our churches and to observe our own customs without hindrance.” [9]

These historical narratives are not historical accidents but are grounded in the timeless Islamic values of tolerance and mercy.

Forced conversion

Forced conversion is utterly forbidden in Islam and the Muslims are not allowed, under any circumstances, to forcefully convert anyone. This is due to the following Quranic verse:

“There is no compulsion in religion: true guidance has become distinct from error…”[10]

Michael Bonner, an authority on the history of early Islam, explains the historical manifestation of the verse above:

“To begin with, there was no forced conversion, no choice between “Islam and the Sword”. Islamic law, following a clear Quranic principle (2:256), prohibited any such things: dhimmis [non-Muslim under Islamic rule] must be allowed to practice their religion.”[11]

One of the leading historians of Islam, De Lacy O’ Leary, exposes the myths attributed to Islamic teachings:

“History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.” [12]

Non-Muslim tax: Jizya

The Islamic governing authority, based on various scriptural injunctions, would levy the non-Muslims a type of citizen tax. This tax – known as jizya – was not a burden, and it was usually less than what the Muslims had to pay as tax. The tax was incumbent upon all adult males, however, women, children, the ill and poor were exempt. It was payable at the end of each year and the wealthy non-Muslims would have to give 48 dirhams (which equates to around £500 per year), and the moderately wealthy non-Muslims would pay much less.[13] If anyone could not afford this tax, they would not have to pay anything.[14]

In actual fact, it was incumbent on the authorities to ensure that the non-Muslim citizen had enough to feed their families and maintain a decent standard of living. For example, ‘Umar ibn ‘Abd al-’Aziz, one of the Caliphs of Islam, wrote to his agent in Iraq:

“Search for the people of the covenant in your area who may have grown old, and are unable to earn, and provide them with regular stipends from the treasury to take care of their needs.”[15]

A practical manifestation of the non-Muslim tax can be found in the following letter written by a Rabbi in 1453. He was urging his co-religionists to travel to Muslim lands after Europe’s persecution of the Jews, and that they were economically emancipated:

“Here in the land of the Turks we have nothing to complain of. We possess great fortunes; much gold and silver are in our hands. We are not oppressed with heavy taxes and our commerce is free and unhindered. Rich are the fruits of the earth. Everything is cheap and everyone of us lives in peace and freedom…” [16]

Safety and protection

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in authentic narrations attributed to him said:

“He who harms a person under covenant, or charged him more than he can, I will argue against him on the Day of Judgement.”[17]

“He who hurts a dhimmi [a non-Muslim under Muslim protection] hurts me.”[18]

The thirteenth-century jurist, al-Qarafi practically explains the above Prophetic teachings:

“The covenant of protection imposes upon us certain obligations toward the ahl al-dhimmah [non-Muslims under Muslim protection]. They are our neighbours, under our shelter and protection upon the guarantee of Allah, His Messenger, and the religion of Islam. Whoever violates these obligations against any one of them by so much as an abusive word, by slandering his reputation, or by doing him some injury or assisting in it, has breached the guarantee of Allah, His Messenger (peace be upon him), and the religion of Islam.” [19]

In light of the above, it is no wonder the Qur’an describes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as “a mercy for the worlds” [20], and that God’s mercy “encompasses all things” [21].

When these values were realised in history, minorities were protected, experienced peace and would praise the Muslim authorities. For example, Bernard the Wise, a pilgrim monk, visited Egypt and Palestine in the reign of al-Mu’tazz (866-9 CE), and he had the following to say:

“…the Christians and the Pagans [i.e. Muslims] have this kind of peace between them there that if I was going on a journey, and on the way the camel or donkey which bore my poor luggage were to die, and I was to abandon all my goods without any guardian, and go to the city for another pack animal, when I came back, I would find all my property uninjured: such is the peace there.” [22]

The unprecedented impact and effect of Islamic values made people prefer the mercy and tolerance of Islam. Reinhart Dozy, an authority on early Islamic Spain, explains:

“…the unbounded tolerance of the Arabs must also be taken into account. In religious matters they put pressure on no man…Christians preferred their rule to that of the Franks.” [23]

Professor Thomas Arnold, the British historian and orientalist, commenting on an Islamic source, states that Christians were happy and at peace with Islam to the point where they “called down blessings on the heads of the Muslims.” [24]

Islam and inter-racial co-operation

Far from being a source of racial conflict, Islam offered a viable model of inter-racial co-operation based on Islamic teachings. The Qur’an eloquently states:

“People, We created you all from a single man and a single woman, and made you into races and tribes so that you should recognize one another. In God’s eyes, the most honoured of you are the ones most mindful of Him: God is all knowing, all aware.”[25]

The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) made it clear that racism has no place in Islam:

“All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action.”[26]

As Hamilton A. R. Gibb, the historian on Orientalism, stated:

“But Islam has a still further service to render to the cause of humanity. It stands after all nearer to the real East than Europe does, and it possesses a magnificent tradition of inter-racial understanding and cooperation. No other society has such a record of success uniting in an equality of status, of opportunity, and of endeavours so many and so various races of mankind…Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements of race and tradition. If ever the opposition of the great societies of East and West is to be replaced by cooperation, the mediation of Islam is an indispensable condition. In its hands lies very largely the solution of the problem with which Europe is faced in its relation with East. If they unite, the hope of a peaceful issue is immeasurably enhanced. But if Europe, by rejecting the cooperation of Islam, throws it into the arms of its rivals, the issue can only be disastrous for both.”[27]

The respected historian A.J. Toynbee also confirms:

“The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of the outstanding achievements of Islam and in the contemporary world there is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic virtue…”[28]

Perhaps one of the most poignant summaries of the greatness of Islamic civilisation was in a speech by the former CEO of Hewlett Packard, Carly Fiorina:

“There was once a civilization that was the greatest in the world. It was able to create a continental super-state that stretched from ocean to ocean, and from northern climes to tropics and deserts. Within its dominion lived hundreds of millions of people, of different creeds and ethnic origins. One of its languages became the universal language of much of the world, the bridge between the peoples of a hundred lands. Its armies were made up of people of many nationalities, and its military protection allowed a degree of peace and prosperity that had never been known.

And this civilization was driven more than anything, by invention. Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity. Its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable the building of computers, and the creation of encryption. Its doctors examined the human body, and found new cures for disease. Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration. Its writers created thousands of stories. Stories of courage, romance and magic.

When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them, and kept them alive. When censors threatened to wipe out knowledge from past civilizations, this civilization kept the knowledge alive, and passed it on to others. While modern Western civilization shares many of these traits, the civilization I’m talking about was the Islamic world from the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the courts of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent.

Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are very much a part of our heritage. The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathematicians. Leaders like Suleiman contributed to our notions of tolerance and civic leadership. And perhaps we can learn a lesson from his example: It was leadership based on meritocracy, not inheritance. It was leadership that harnessed the full capabilities of a very diverse population that included Christianity, Islamic, and Jewish traditions. This kind of enlightened leadership – leadership that nurtured culture, sustainability, diversity and courage – led to 800 years of invention and prosperity.”[29]



The key reason Muslims were able to achieve such just, tolerant and compassionate societies was because affirming the Oneness of God and pleasing and worshiping Him was the spiritual and moral basis of their lives. This provided timeless, universal and objective moral grounding to achieve, what the eighteenth-century economist Adam Smith claimed, “the first state under which the world enjoyed that degree of tranquillity which the cultivation of the sciences requires…” [30]

It is hoped that this brief insight into the values that underpin Islamic society show how the actions attributed to some Muslim groups are not in line with normative Islam. Significantly we hope this short introduction will help foster a more balanced perspective on what is Islamic and what is not.


Last updated 13.01.17

[1] I was interview by Indian media on this topic. I described ISIS in the following way: “ISIS is the antithesis of Islam… However, for the sake of brevity, there are key theological and spiritual lenses that the classical scholars used while understanding Islam. These lenses were the lenses of rahma (compassion and mercy). So when we put these lenses on when analysing the actions of ISIS, we will see that something is seriously wrong. ISIS are what I call theological reductionists. They pick and choose verses or traditions and abstract them from their context and other key teachings of Islam. ISIS are not holistic, and this blinds them from understanding the true reality of Islam. Frankly, they are spiritually diseased and sick.” http://www.abplive.in/india-news/isis-are-spiritually-diseased-sick-people-hamza-tzortzis-uk-preacher-named-in-nia-chargesheet-395372.

[2] Qur’an 5:8

[3] Qur’an 4:135

[4] Qur’an 90:12-18

[5] Ibn Hisham, as-Sira an-Nabawiyya, Cairo, 1955, v 1, pp. 501-4

[6] Karen Armstrong, A History of Jerusalem: One City Three Faiths. London. 1997, p. 245

[7] Amnon Cohen, A World Within: Jewish Life as Reflected in Muslim Court Documents from the Sijill of Jerusalem (XVIth Century). Part One. Pennsylvania. 1994, pp. 22-23[

8] Tabari, Tarikh ar-Rusul wal- Muluk, Leiden, 1879-1901, v I, pp. 2405-6[9] Cited by Christopher J. Walker, Islam and the West. Gloucester. 2005, p. 17[10] Qur’an 2: 256

[11] Michael Bonner, Jihad in Islamic History. Princeton. 2006, pp. 89-90

[12] De Lacy O’ Leary, Islam at the Crossroads. London. 1923, p. 8

[13] Wael B. Hallaq. Shariah: Theory, Practice and Transformations. Cambridge University Press. 2009, p. 332.[14] Ibid[15] Abu Ubayd, al-Amwaal, p. 805

[16] Philip Mansel. Constantinople : City of the World’s desire, 1453-1924. Penguin Books. 1995, p. 15

[17] Narrated by Yahya b. Adam in the book of Al-Kharaaj

[18] Reported by al-Tabarani in Al-awsat

Hamza Andreas Tzortzisall Islamic Content In One Place

[19] Shaha al-Deen al-Qarafi, Al-furuq

[20] Qur’an 21:107

[21] Qur’an 7:156

[22] Christopher J. Walker, Islam and the West. Gloucester. 2005, p. 17

[23] Reinhart Dozy, A History of Muslims in Spain. Delhi. 1861 (reprinted 1913, 2002), p.235

[24] T. W. Arnold , Preaching of Islam. London. 1913, p. 61

[25] Qur’an 49:13

[26] Hafiz Ibn Hibban reported in al-Sahih, via his isnad, from Fadalah ibn Ubayd & Baihaqi

[27] Hamilton A. R. Gibb. Whither Islam. London, 1932, p. 379

[28] A. J. Toynbee. Civilisation on Trial. New York. 1948, p. 205

[29] Read a transcript of the speech here http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/execteam/speeches/fiorina/minnesota01.html

[30] Adam Smith. The Essays of Adam Smith. London. 1869, p. 353

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