Chapter 14 - Early modern Japan. From Part III - Divergent Trends among Established Regimes By Philip C. “ Kinsei edo-ki ni okeru keizai shisō to kaku shōka no naibu hōkoku kaikei jissen,” Keizai shirin Housei University Economic Review. Quantitative Analyses of Economic and Social Aspects of the Samurai in Tokugawa and Meiji Japan. People needed to get special documents to travel from one domain to another, a curfew was instituted to keep people from mov-ing around at night, and wheeled transport was banned. Chapter 14 Edo Japan: A Closed Society 307 FIGURE 14-3 Apply the skill power questions to this poster. It must have been quite inconceivable to him the shogun. Chapter 14 Worksheet.docx. A closed Society.docx. Edo Japan: A Closed Society. The implementation of exclusion laws maintained Japan's isolation. Edo Japan: A Closed Society. Student Name: Vocabulary. Start studying Ch. 14 & 15- Edo Japan and Meiji Restoration. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Chapter 14 Edo Japan A Closed Society
On this page, we introduce the translation of 'Japan in the Edo Period - An Ecologically-Conscious Society',('O-edo ecology jijo,' published in 2000, Kodansha Publishing Company) by Eisuke Ishikawa.
We received much feedback from our readers on articles 'Japan's Sustainable Society in the Edo Period (1603-1867)' in our March and April 2003 newsletters which drew upon Mr. Ishikawa's research.
The requests for more information on the sustainable society in the Edo period were overwhelming, which prompted us to contact the author for his permission to translate the book for this website. The group of JFS volunteers including native speakers together worked on the translation originally done by Mr. Oki.
About the Author:
Eisuke Ishikawa is a writer who specializes in the environmental and ecological issues in the Edo period (1603-1867). He is also a lecturer at Musashino Art University. His recent books introduce wisdom of sustainable living in the Edo period from the angles of technology, energy, resource management, and recycling systems of the period.